Camp Shutout's founder Stan Anderson is the current University of Wisconsin Goalkeeper coach and was previously the Marquette University Associate Head Coach. Stan is involved in Wisconsin ODP, and is a featured goalkeeper clinician. Keepers range in age from 10 to 18 with their Advanced program drawing the most interest. The success of Camp Shutout keepers speaks volumes. Countless dozens that have gone on to college soccer, have won national championships, have become MLS keepers, become WPS keepers and, as recent as two years ago, 9 of the 12 keepers in the four D1 men's programs in Wisconsin were Camp Shutout graduates. It all started in 1989 and now keepers from around the country and world are in attendance.
Stevens Point
Eric and his staff offer weekly training sessions year-round. We also offer a large number of camps and clinics with Stan Anderson, who is widely regarded as on of the best keeper coaches in the country (Stan owns/operates Camp Shutout, the world's largest GK camp). WWGS also films goalkeepers and posts those videos on the WWGS website (www.wibergwgs.com), emailing those links to college coaches. WWGS has placed 150 keepers into college. Email: [email protected]
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